Castle Dale Justice Court

If you have any questions concerning this case, please call the court at 435-381-5194.
If you are uncertain of the amount owing on your citation or the court the payment should be made to,
search for your case here - Case Inquiry

Amount:   $   Item Subtotal:  
Case Number/Citation Number
Name Of Person Who Received Citation

Personal Information:
First Name: Last Name:
City: State/Province: ZIP/Postal Code:
Payment Information:
Processing Fee Rates:
Cards:2.5% ($2.50 min)
(1.5% additional service fee for foreign cards)
Method of Payment:
  Credit/Debit Card
 Update Name from Above
Name on Account:
Routing Number:
Account Number:
Name on Card:
Account Number:
Expiration Date:
Billing Street Address:
Billing ZIP/Postal Code:
Payment method will be collected on external device
 Change Payment Method
Your statement will describe your payment as 'CBT*EMERY COURT'
and the service fee transaction as 'CBT*SVC FEE EMERY COU'.
Submitting ...