Use your citation or court case number to find your case. Please verify the name on the case to ensure your payment is posted to the correct case. Case numbers are unique for a particular court location, but not statewide.
You may request that the Court allow you to perform community service in lieu of paying some, or all, of a fine for class B and C misdemeanors and infractions. Community service will be credited at a rate of $10/hour. Please contact the court to make an appearance before the judge if you would like to request community service in lieu of paying your fine. (UCA 76-3-301.7)
To make a payment via the automated phone system please call 435-465-2078
If you cannot find your case, it could be due to one of the following reasons:
- The search information entered may be incorrect. Verify the citation or court case number.
- The citation has not yet been filed with the court. (Citations are generally filed within 5 days, but citations being filed manually by the law enforcement agency may take longer.)
- There is no account with monies owing on the case.

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CORE Payments Version 4.1.17475; (API: 2.22)